Christmas Wish

Here goes my child starting to counting down to Christmas as he can’t wait for your trip and the present from Santa in School.

As a little girl, I was always been so excited about Christmas. This time, it is like a nostalgic moments for me to try being a little girl who have a Christmas Wish.

Of course as an adult, my wish shouldn’t be barbie doll or Princess accessories anymore.

First wish that I know it needs an extra miracle, I wish I could be pregnant and give birth to my second child; so I could give my baby a friend as well as someone to grow up together and collect many colourful experiences and moments together.

Next on my list would be of course I could write more often ( and I mean really have the time to express and improve more on my writing). As during my teenage years, I was always spent more time on making journals, writing short stories and poems, photo collages.

I don’t know why after I give birth to my son, I be more like a man. Until my fave colour even change from pink to blue.


On the other hand, I wish I could be more creative and tidy as my husband always never absent to remind and at the same time complaining on my careless behaviour. Thank God, he is still tolerant to me 😁😁. Wait honey, I am working on that.

Finally I wish I could have as many follower as I could and I could make my blog more interesting until it can be paid as well. Since I always dreamt of having a work that I could enjoy doing and where I could do anywhere, but still get paid.

Well, I guess I will be adding more to my list, but that’s it for now.